Types of Sushi

Shellfish, Types of Sushi

Akagai Sushi (Ark Shell) Description, Taste, Photos

📕 Description: Akagai Sushi, also called Ark Shell sushi or Blood Clam sushi, is a somewhat rare item on sushi menus because preparing Akagai for sushi can be labor intensive. Akagai requires carefully preparation that includes rinsing with a vinegar-water mix and precision cuts to prevent the clam meat from tightening up. Ark shell clams

Shellfish, Types of Sushi

Awabi Sushi (Abalone) Description, Taste, Photos

📕 Description: The texture of abalone sushi can vary depending on how it was prepared by the sushi chef. If tenderized, abalone sushi can be as soft as cooked squid. Raw abalone is very firm and described as having a slightly crunchy texture similar to raw squid. 😋 Taste: Abalone sushi has a delicate and

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